April 10, 2013

NATO Assistant Secretary General: “Security of Caucasus is of immense importance to the Alliance”


 NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic held a meeting with Armenian experts and political scientists.

Speaking on South Caucasus, the NATO representative said that “the security of the region is of immense importance to the NATO”. At the same time, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic noted that the NATO position is unchanged: the Alliance doesn’t interfere with the settlement of the existing regional conflicts and supports the current mediatory formats.

Speaking on Armenian-Turkish relations, the NATO Assistant Secretary General said that the Alliance can’t impact the foreign policy of its members, in this case - Turkey. As for the placement of anti-aircraft missiles in Turkey, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said that it is solely conditioned by the situation in Syria and is aimed at "protecting the territory and population of the Alliance".